Hello there! Any other Joy Oladokum fans? I love her.
Boston! Charlottesville! What a pleasure.
Thank you to everyone who came out to these sold out events! Meeting you is the best part.
Other highlights include this NPR interview via WBUR’s Boston event and raising money for Stepping Stone via the Charlottesville event. Thank you to the incredible moderators including the generous Lily West.
In other news, this book tour is…over? It is the best part but also delaying many writing projects I’m looking forward to digging into again. I’m sure more small events will pop up over the next year, but for now I’m enjoying a long stretch of being at home.
I recognize this newsletter is a bit of a disappointment for anyone looking for a poet to perhaps wax poetic or for a retired blogger to write a piece of non-fiction or two. For now, however, this space is simply meant for monthly updates on events, merch, books, and random playlists. My creative reserves are spent in private writing books with occasional posts on Instagram, daily IG stories updates, and daydreaming lunch.
Enjoy glorious May. There are many poems ripe with its content.
With love,
PS: Super last minute, but tonight I’ll be chatting with Emma Straub on the paperback release of her incredible book This Time Tomorrow in Newtown, PA. Come see us!
PSS: The New Yorker!